☞ It is a data structure.
☞ It is represented by ( ) parentheses.
☞ It is a sequence of python object i.e. integer, float, string, list etc.
Syntax :
variable_name = ( value1, value2, ………..valueN )
variable_name = value1, value2, ………..valueN
☞ Creating an empty tuple :
Example :T1 = () print(T1) T2 = tuple() print(T2)
☞ Creating a single element tuple : To do this, use comma after a value.
Example :T3 = (36,) print(T3)
☞ Creating a tuple with homogeneous and heterogeneous elements :
Example :T4 = (10, 20, 30, 40) #homogeneous elements print(T4) T5 = 10, 20, 30, 40 print(T5) T6 = (10, "inspirewebsoft", 25.6, True, (10,20), [23,14], {"a":5, "b":6}) #heterogeneous elements print(T6)
(10, 20, 30, 40) (10, 20, 30, 40) (10, "inspirewebsoft", 25.6, True, (10,20), [23,14], {"a":5, "b":6})
☞ Elements are addressed using their index value : Index starts with 0.
Example :☞ It is immutable, but member objects may be mutable.
Example 1 :T = (10, 20, 30, 40) T[2] = 80 print(T)
T[2] = 80 #Error TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
T = (10, 20, ["inspire", "wbe", "soft"], 40)
T[2] [1]= "web" #No Error