For Example : If the dictionary contains the following data : Vehicle= {“Santro” : “Hyundai”, “Nexon” : “TATA”, “Safari” : “Tata”} The stack should contain Safari Nexon
stack=[] def Push(Vehicle) : for v_name in Vehicle : if Vehicle[v_name].upper()=="TATA" : stack.append(v_name) OR stack=[] def Push(Vehicle) : for v_name in Vehicle : if Vehicle[v_name] in ("TATA", "TaTa","tata","Tata"): stack.append(v_name)
For example : If the lists with customer details are as follows : [“Siddarth”, “Deluxe”] [“Rahul”, “Standard”] [“Jerry”, “Deluxe”] The stack should contain Jerry Siddarth The output will be : Jerry Siddarth Underflow
Hotel=[] Customer=[["Siddarth","Delux"],["Rahul","Standard"],["Jerry","Delux"]] def Push_Cust(): for rec in Customer: if rec[1]=="Delux": Hotel.append(rec[0]) def Pop_Cust(): while len(Hotel)>0: print(Hotel.pop()) else: print("Underflow")