Input Through eval() function in Python

☞To take input from the user, we will use input() function and then pass this string into eval() function.

eval() function will convert this string into specific type automatically by checking the input value.

☞If we are use eval() function, then there is no need to use datatypes. eval() does it for you.

Example :

x=eval(input("Enter a number : "))
print("The answer is ",x)
y=eval(input("Enter a floating number : "))
print("The answer is ",y)
z=eval(input("Enter a complex number : "))
print("The answer is ",z)
a=eval(input("Enter a boolean value : "))
print("The answer is ",a)
Enter a number : 54
The answer is  54
<class 'int'>
Enter a floating number : 45.44
The answer is  45.44
<class 'float'>
Enter a complex number : 9+9j
The answer is  (9+9j)
<class 'complex'>
Enter a boolean value : True
The answer is  True
<class 'bool'>
Note : We have not taken a string using eval() function because input() function itself take an input as an string, so there is no need to use eval() function if working with string.