☞To take input from the user, we will use input() function and then pass this string into eval() function.
☞eval() function will convert this string into specific type automatically by checking the input value.
☞If we are use eval() function, then there is no need to use datatypes. eval() does it for you.
☞Example :
x=eval(input("Enter a number : ")) print("The answer is ",x) print(type(x)) print("-----------------------") y=eval(input("Enter a floating number : ")) print("The answer is ",y) print(type(y)) print("-----------------------") z=eval(input("Enter a complex number : ")) print("The answer is ",z) print(type(z)) print("-----------------------") a=eval(input("Enter a boolean value : ")) print("The answer is ",a) print(type(a))
Enter a number : 54 The answer is 54 <class 'int'> ----------------------- Enter a floating number : 45.44 The answer is 45.44 <class 'float'> ----------------------- Enter a complex number : 9+9j The answer is (9+9j) <class 'complex'> ----------------------- Enter a boolean value : True The answer is True <class 'bool'>