☞ You can write test_condition with or without parenthesis () and after if or else statement colon (:) is necessary so that it can form a block.
Example :x = int(input("Enter a number : ")) if x>0: #without parenthesis print("Positive Number") elif(x<0): #with parenthesis print(“Negative Number”) else: print("Neither Positive Nor Negative")
Enter a number : -6 Negative Number
☞ Non-zero(positive or negative) numbers evaluate to True whereas zero evaluates to False.
Example :x = int(input("Enter a number : ")) if(x) : print("Hello") else: print("Bye")
Enter a number : 0 Bye
☞ Non-empty string evaluates to True whereas empty string evaluates to False.
Example :x = "" if(x) : print("Hello") else : print("Bye")
☞Indentation : It is a way to tell the interpreter that the group of statements belongs to a particular block of code.
☞ By default it is represented by 4 spaces. Below we are showing it with 4 red dots to make you understand the meaning of indentation but originally they are 4 red dots representing 4 spaces.
Syntax :if <test_condition>: ....Statement_1 ....Statement_2 ....………. else: ....Statement_1 ....Statement_2 ....……….