Introduction to Computer Networks

☞ It is a collection of interconnected computers and other devices.

☞ It is used to share data and other resources (hardware and software resources).

Advantages of Computer Networks

☞ We can share resources such as printers and scanners.

☞ We can share data and access files from any computer.

Disadvantages of Computer Networks

☞ If there is any problem in the server, then no communication can take place.

☞ Network faults can cause loss of data.

Evolution of Network

ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency Network) :
It is a project sponsored by US department of defence.

NSFNET (National Science federation network) :
It is developed by National Science foundation, was a high capacity Network and strictly used for academic and engineering research.

Network of networks makes the internet.
The computer are connected through www that comprises a large network and shares a common communication protocol (TCP/IP).