☞ It is a linear/sequence structure in which insertion and deletion can take place only at one end, i.e. stack’s top.
☞ It is a dynamic data structure.
☞ It is based on the principle :- LIFO (Last In First Out)
☞ We will implement stack using list.
- PUSH operation:- To add an element to the top of stack, we use append().
- POP operation:- To remove the element from the top of stack, we use pop().
☞ Application of stack :
- Reversing a word/line.
- Compiler uses stacks to store the previous state of a program when a function is called or during recursion.
- Backtracing:- It is a form of recursion but it involves choosing only one option out of the possibilities. eg:- it is used in sudoku.
- Undo mechanism in Text Editors.