☞ There are some special operators in SQL that perform some specific functions.
☞ These operators are typically used in WHERE clause of SELECT Statements.
☞ The commonly used relational operators in MySQL.
S.No. | Operator | Description |
1. | BETWEEN/NOT BETWEEN | Check whether an attribute value is wihin a range or not. |
2. | IN/NOT IN | Check whether an attribute value matches any value with a given list or not. |
3. | IS NULL/IS NOT NULL | Check whether an attribute value is NULL or not. |
4. | LIKE/NOT LIKE | Checks whether an attribute matches a given string pattern or not. |
5. | DISTINCT | Permits only unique values. Eliminates duplicate ones. |
☞ BETWEEN operator defines a range of values that a column value must fall within for the condition to become true.
☞ It includes both the lower and upper values.
☞ Values are the numbers, text or dates.
☞ NOT BETWEEN is just the reverse of BETWEEN.
☞ Syntax :
☞ Example :
☞ IN operator helps to reduce the need for multiple OR conditions in a SELECT statement.
☞ NOT IN is just the reverse of IN.
☞ Syntax :
☞ Example :
☞ NULL means missing / unknown / not applicable value.
☞ A NULL value is the one that has been left blank during creation of a record (i.e. it is not a 0 or space).
☞ To check NULL values, we use IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators.
☞ IS NOT NULL is just the reverse of IS NULL.
☞ Syntax :
☞ Example :