☞ When we design real-life applications, we need to manipulate data stored in a database through an application designed by us. Here we are developing Python applications and will connect to a MySQL database from within a Python script.
☞ MySQL.connector module of Python is used to connect MySQL databases with the python programs.
☞ It uses python standard library and has no dependencies.
☞ To understand the concept, we will create a real-life application i.e. Student Management System. In this application we will connect Python and MySQL, and will perform various operations such as creating a database, creating a table, inserting student details, fetching student details, modifying student details, deleting student details.
Step 1 : Import the modules required for database programming i.e. mysql.connector module
☞ Syntax :
Step 2 : Open a connection to database using connect(host= ‘.....’, user= ‘.....’, password= ‘.....’) of mysql.connector module
host - database server hostname or IP address
user - username on MySQL
password - Password on MySQL
☞ Syntax :
Step 3 : Create a cursor object using cursor() function
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Step 4 : Execute a query using execute() function
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Step 5 : Clean up the environment
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