Web Services
☞ Internet offers several important and extensively used services given below :
- WWW (World Wide Web) :
- The World Wide Web is a vast collection of interconnected documents, resources, and media that can be accessed over the internet using browsers.
- It is a crucial part of the internet, allowing users to navigate through websites and web applications.
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language) :
- HTML is the standard language for creating and structuring content on the web, including text, images, and links.
- It uses a series of tags and attributes to define how a web page should be displayed in a browser.
- XML (Extensible Markup Language) :
- XML is a flexible markup language designed for storing and transporting data, with a focus on simplicity and readability.
- It allows users to create custom tags to structure data, making it ideal for data exchange between different systems.
- Domain Names :
- Domain names are human-readable addresses used to identify websites on the internet, such as "inspirewebsoft.com."
- They are translated into IP addresses by DNS (Domain Name System) to direct traffic to the correct server.
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator) :
- A URL is the full address used to access a specific resource on the web, consisting of a protocol (like HTTP), domain name, and path to the resource.
- It provides the precise location of content on the internet.
- Website :
- A website is a collection of related web pages, images, videos, and other resources, typically identified by a common domain name.
- Websites can serve a wide range of purposes, from personal blogs to large e-commerce platforms.
- Web Browser :
- A web browser is a software application, like Chrome or Firefox, that allows users to access and interact with websites and web applications.
- It translates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into readable content for the user.
- Web Servers :
- A web server is a computer that stores websites and serves web pages to users when requested via their browsers.
- It processes requests, delivers resources like HTML files, and handles various web protocols like HTTP.
- Web Hosting :
- Web hosting is a service that provides the infrastructure for storing and serving website files to make them accessible on the internet.
- Hosting can range from shared hosting for small sites to dedicated servers for larger, high-traffic websites.