Inserting data into table

☞ To insert a record, we need to perform following steps :

Steps : Import mysql.connector module → Open a connection → Create cursor object → Execute a query →Save the changes using commit( ).

Example :

import mysql.connector as m
mydb = m.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='in$pireweb$oft', database='school')
cur = mydb.cursor()

a = int(input("Enter an admission number : "))
b = input("Enter a name : ")
c = input("Enter Date of Birth in [YYYY-MM-DD] format : ")
d = input("Enter a gender [M/F] : ")
e = float(input(" Enter your fees : "))

s="INSERT INTO student (Admno, Name, DOB, gender, Fees) VALUES( '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}' )" .format (a,b,c,d,e)
s="INSERT INTO student (Admno, Name, DOB, gender, Fees) VALUES( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" rec=(a,b,c,d,e) cur.execute(s,rec) mydb.commit() print("Data inserted successfully!!!")

Output :

Enter an admission number : 6
Enter a name : Ananya
Enter Date of Birth in [YYYY-MM-DD] format : 2010-10-20
Enter a gender [M/F] : F
Enter fees : 1550.25
Data inserted successfully!!!