☞ Following are the basic terms related to Relational database.
1. Entity 2. Table/Relation 3. Attributes/Fields/Columns 4. Data Values 5. Tuple/Record/Row 6. Cardinality 7. Degree 8. Domain 9. Body of the Relation 10. Relational Database
☞ It is a real world object about which information is to be stored in a database.
☞ Example : information about an entity Student in a school.
☞ It is a collection of logically related records.
☞ It is organised as a set of columns and can have any number of rows.
☞ Collection of records makes a table.
☞ Example : student table can have columns namely name, roll number, admission number etc.
☞ It is this smallest entity in a database.
☞ Collection of fields make a record.
☞ Example : Hindi student table the field “admno” will hold the admission number of students of a school.
☞ Data values are the raw data represented in numeric, character or alphanumeric form.
☞ Example : “Manish”, 26, “Chandigarh”, “10 -07-1998”
☞ The data values for all the fields related to a person or object is called a record.
☞ Example : Hindi student table with the field names as name, class, fees the data values of all the fields for a student maybe (“Ankita”, “X”, 4500.76) and this forms one record.
☞ It is the number of records.
☞ It is the number of attributes.
☞ It is the set of all possible values that an attribute may contain.
☞ It consists of an unordered set of 0 or more records/tuples.
☞ It is a collection of related tables.