Loading Styles

☞ It is used to copy styles from an existing template or document.

☞ In LibreOffice Writer, Styles can be load by two ways:

1. Loading Styles from a Template.
2. Loading Styles from File.

Loading Styles from a Template

☞ To load an external style from a template, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Styled window.

Step 2: Click on Style Action drop down arrow.

Step 3: Click on ‘Load Styles from template’ option.

Step 4: Select ‘My templates’ from categories of ‘Load Styles’ dialog box.

Step 5: Click on OK button.

Loading Styles from File

☞ To load an external style from a document, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Styles window.

Step 2: Click on Style Action drop down arrow.

Step 3: Click on ‘Load Styles from template’ option.

Step 4: Click From File button from Load styles dialog box.

Step 5: Select the file from which you want to load styles.

Step 6: Now, Click on Open button.