Health and Safety Requirements for Computer Workplace
- Use the modern LED monitors of legible size.
- The image on the screen should be stable with no flickering.
- The screen must be free of reflective glare and reflection of liable to cause discomfort to the user.
- It should tilt and separate from the screen to find a comfortable working position and avoid fatigue in the arms or hands.
- The space in front of the keyboard must be sufficient to provide support for the hands and arms of the user.
- The work desk should be sufficiently large and allow a flexible arrangement of the screen, keyboard, documents and related equipment.
- Chair must be stable and allow the user to move easily and find a comfortable position.
- It should be adjustable in height.
- We users feet must be placed flat on the floor or a footrest should be used.
- Workstation must provide sufficient space for the user to change position and vary moments.
- The user should have enough desk space for the equipment they use.
- There must be satisfactory lighting conditions with appropriate contrast between the screen and background environment.
- Prevent possible disturbing glare and reflections on the screen.
- Sources of light such as windows and other openings, transparent or translucid walls, and brightly coloured fixtures or walls cause no direct glare and no distracting reflections on the screen.
- Windows shall be fitted with a suitable system of adjustable covering to attenuate the daylight that falls on the workstation.
- Noise emitted by equipment should not distract the attention.
- Use Noise cancelling earphones.
- Equipment may not produce excess heat.
☞Battery Backup System.
☞Removing Ornaments.
☞Unplug All Power Sources And Cables.
☞Overheat Of Modern Processor.
☞Loose Cables And Wires.
☞Avoid Water At All The Times When Working With Electricity.
☞Never Touch Or Try Repairing Any Electrical Equipment With Wet Hands.