Computer Health and Safety tips

☞ With the increased use of computer, several health and safety issues may occur.

  1. Vision
  2. Musculoskeletal
  3. Body aches
  4. Pains

☞ Many of these issues are preventable and if incurred are temporary.

☞ They can be resolved by adopting simple corrective action.


☞ It includes different areas of your body such as neck, back, chests, arms, shoulders and feet.

☞ It occurs because of your wrong posture, uncomfortable chair for sitting.

To avoid this problem :

  • The end of the monitor should be at your eye level.
  • Keep the neck neutral with a monitor directly.
  • Keep your monitor at least arm length distance, or 20-30 inches away from you.
  • Maximise contact of your back against the backrest of the chair.
  • Place the keyboard at a slight negative tilt if you are sitting upright.
  • While typing, keep your hands slightly lower than elbows, with fingers pointing downwards at the floor.
  • Always take small breaks while working on the computer to stretch your muscles, keep your blood flowing and to rest your eyes.


☞ It is also known as Repetition Strain Injury(RSI).

☞ It is caused by work, and is associated with repetitive movement, sustained or constrained postures and/or forceful movements.

☞ Repetitive use of muscle may feel pain in your neck, shoulder, wrist or fingers.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : It is the most common conditions related to repetitive use of muscles when using the computer. It causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm.

To avoid this problem :

  • Ensure that you use an appropriate posture when typing.
  • Eg : your fingers should be above the ‘home position’ (asdf and jkl; keys) on the keyboard.
  • Users should avoid gripping the mouse too tightly.
  • Keyboard and mouse should be kept at the same level.
  • Use of ergonomic keyboard and mouse help to reduce the risk of wrist related conditions.


☞ Sitting to work for a long time can cause strain in legs.

☞ Position your desk chair to sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and lower legs vertical.

☞ Use a footrest for more support.

☞ Make sure that there’s enough space to change position and stretch your legs out every now and then, too.


☞ Computer’s bright light, glare and flickering images can cause eye strain and visual fatigue.

☞ When you do not blink your eyes that causes drying eyes.

Computer Vision Syndrome : It is caused by poor lighting and glare on the computer screen. It causes blurry vision, burning or watering eyes, headaches and in some instances shoulder and neck pain.

To avoid this problem :

  • Wear anti-glare glasses to work on the computer.
  • Adjust the brightness of the computer screen.
  • Keep a proper vision distance(18-24 inches) from the computer screen.
  • Blink your eyes in an interval.


☞ It may occur due to muscle tension or pain in the neck.

☞ Strain on the eyes or vision problems can also cause headaches.

☞ Attend regular eye exams.

☞ Try your best to keep your neck straight and take breaks.


Obesity : Spending long hours on computers may lead to a lack of physical activity and exercise.

☞ Take a break and try to squeeze in some exercise until you go back to work.


☞ Prolonged use of computers may be accompanied by poor health and increased pressure on you in your workplace, which may lead to stress.

☞ Stress can lead to decreased attention span, lack of concentration, dizziness and becoming easily burn out.

To avoid this problem :

  • Yoga
  • Natural remedies
  • Medications


☞ The growing use of laptops cause more pain and strain.

☞ Laptops are design for short periods of use.

☞ In laptop the screen and keyboard are very close together and there is really no right way to use a laptop because if you position the screen at the right height for your back and neck it will cause you to have to lift your arms and shoulders too high to use it and vice versa.

☞ To overcome this problem you may use desktop.