Parts of a Sentence

☞ We all know that almost all English sentences have a subject and a verb while some also have an object.

1. Subject: Person or thing that performs an action.
2. Verb: Describes the action.
3. Object: Person or thing that receives the action.

Types of Objects

☞ In a sentence, there can be two types of objects — Direct and Indirect.

Kind of Sentences

1. Active sentence - Sentences where the subject does an action are known to be in the Active voice.
2. Passive sentence - sentences in which the subject receives an action are known to be in the Passive voice.

Types of Sentences :

1. Statement or declarative Sentence –
☞ Provides information or states a fact.
☞ Always ends with a ‘full-stop’ (‘.’).

2. Question or Interrogative Sentence –
☞ Asks a question.
☞ Always ends with a question mark (‘?’).

3. Emotion/Reaction or Exclamatory Sentence –
☞ Expresses a strong emotion.
☞ Always ends with an exclamation mark (‘!’).

4. Order or Imperative Sentence –
☞ Shows an order, command, request or advice.
☞ Can end with a full stop or an exclamation mark (‘.’ or ‘!’).

Paragraph :

☞ A group of words form a sentence, a group of sentences forms a paragraph.
☞ However, to qualify as a paragraph, all the sentences within it must have a common idea or theme.