Self-Regulation -- Time Management

Time Management

☞ It is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well and do all that you want to do.
☞ Time management is the thinking skill that helps us to :
  1. complete tasks on time.
  2. make a daily timetable.
  3. make a good guess at how long it will take you to do something.
  4. submit homework and assignments on time.
  5. not waste time during the day.

Steps for Effective Time Management

Step 1 : Organise - We plan our day-to-day activities, make a timetable that we follow, keep our surroundings and study table clean and mess free, put things back where they belong. It helps us save time.
Step 2 : Priotortise - We make a to-do list that has all our activities and we rank them in the order of importance. It helps us to get the most important task done first and also to track what is pending.
Step 3 : Control - We have a control over our activities and time, avoid time wasters and focus on more important things.
Step 4 : Track - We identify and note where we have spent our time. This will help us analyse if we have used our time effectively or not. It also helps us to identify time-wasting activities.

Tips for Practicing the Four Steps for Effective Time Management

☞ Avoid delay or postponing any planned activity.
☞ Organise your room and school desk.
☞ Develop a ‘NO DISTURBANCE ZONE’, where you can sit and complete important tasks.
☞ Use waiting time productively.
☞ Prepare a ‘To-do’ list.
☞ Prioritise.
☞ Replace useless activities with productive activities.