Drawing Objects & Its Properties
☞ Drawing objects are the drawing tools which are available above the Status Bar.
☞ It includes AutoShapes, curves, Lines, and TextArt.
☞ All these tools are present on Drawing Toolbar.
☞ To open Drawing toolbar, View → Toolbar → Drawing.
☞ To create any Drawing object, Select any tool → Drag the mouse over the page.
Properties of Drawing Objects
☞ The different properties of a drawing object are categorized into:
1. Area
2. Line
3. Effect
4. Position and Size
☞ Area: It works on fill area of the drawing object.
This category contains:
- Fill: It allows you to apply background colour, gradient, etc.
- Transparency: It allows you to set the transparency level.
☞ Line: It works with the border of the drawing object.
This category contains:
- Style: It sets the style of line or border.
- Thickness: It sets the width or thickness of the line or border.
- Color: It sets the colour of line or border.
- Transparency: It sets the transparency level of line or border.
- Line: It sets the style of beginning arrowhead.
- Corner style: It sets the styles for the edges of drawing objects.
- Cap style: It sets the style of line cap.
☞ Effects: It gives the effect to the drawing object.
This category contains:
- Glow
- Radius: It gives a thick effect outside the boundary of drawing object.
- Colour: It sets the colour of effect given to drawing object.
- Transparency: It sets the transparency level of effect given to drawing object.
- Soft Edges
- Radius: It gives a thick effect inside the boundary of drawing object.
☞ Position and Size: It works with the size of the drawing object.
This category contains:
- Width: It sets the width of drawing object.
- Height: It sets the height of drawing object.
- Rotation: It sets the angle for rotation.
- Flip: It allows flipping the drawing object horizontally and vertically.
- Arrange: It allows arranging the drawing object like Bring to Front, Forward One, Back One, Send to Back, To Foreground and To Background.
- Align: It sets the alignment of drawing object like Left, Right, Center, Top, Center and Bottom.