Introduction to Libre Office Base

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Datatypes in Database

☞ It refers to the type of data that will be stored in that particular field.

☞ The memory size of a field varies according to its data type.

Data type - numeric, text, binary, boolean, date, currency.

Text Data Type :

  • It is a combination of letters, numbers or special characters.
  • No arithmetic calculations can be performed on text data.
  • Examples : PAN card number, name, marks etc.
  • The following are the text data types :
    LONGVARCHARStores up to maximum length i.e. 64000 characters
    CHARStores exactly the length specified by the user i.e. fixed length
    VARCHARStores up to the specified length i.e. number of bytes allocated depends on the number of characters entered by the user.

Numeric Data Type :

  • It consists of numbers.
  • Numbers can be integer or real numbers.
  • Any type of arithmetic calculations can be performed.
  • Examples : -34.6, 56, 43 etc
  • The following are the numeric data types :
    TINYINTNO0 to 255
    SMALLINTYES-32768 to 32768
    INTEGERYES-2.14 x 109 to 2.14 x 109
    BIGINTYES-2.3 x 1018 to 2.3 x 1018
    NUMERIC YESUnlimited
    REALYES5 x 10-324 to 1.79 x 10308

Currency Data Type :

  • It indicates the monetary values.
  • It can be stored using currencies of various countries.
  • Examples : $100, Rs 25.

Date Data Type :

  • It is used to indicate date and time.
  • Example : 23/12/2025, 09:25 PM.
  • These are of three types :
DATEStores the year, month and day as it is stored in the system.
TIMEStores the time of the day as hour, minute and second.
TIMESTAMPStores date and time information at once.

Boolean Data Type :

  • It indicates true/false, Yes/No.

Binary Data Type :

  • It is used to store digitised images and sounds that come as long strings of zeros and ones .
  • Examples : photos of products, sounds of snippets or voice messages.